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October 11, 2018
Banglar Dancing Star Season 2 (BDS Season 2)
It is a dance competition television series that premiered on channel vision on this winter. The show is hosted by Tamali with the juried consisting of our Mr founder Shri Subhash Malakar an eminent vocalist in folk and Indian classical music alongside MD Imran who was a professional dancer and ex participant of “Dance Bangla Dance’’ on ZEE Bangla and Anupriya Das Roy a talented “Kathak’’ dancer. The format of the show consists of the participants of different age group. Each participant performs predetermined dances and competes against for judges’. BDS Season 2 comprising of 4 groups each group is having individual choreographer to train them. At the end the best wins the show.
October 11, 2018
Training on Handicrafts
The organisation never thinks itself to be an outsider to give the villagers alms or only to earn a bit from the market. It has in view to engross the participation of the surrounding villagers in varied activities that would help them to earn for livelihood by imparting knowledge and training on handicrafts especially to the women folk. In doing this we have divided our activities in different segments.
October 11, 2018
Voice Training
Here also the whole knowledge so far knows is compiled in a book and practical as well as theoretical knowledge is imparted to the apprentices step by step. From voice singing to accompaniment singing techniques are making known to them along with the historical advancement of the branch indicating the names and creations and contributions of our predecessors. The whole world of songs are divided in groups like Rag Sangeet, Kheyal, Dhrupad, Dhamar, Thungri, Lokgeeti, Pally Geeti, Anelalik Geeti including foreign influence in our song culture.
October 11, 2018
Nana Ranger Mela Season 2
It is also Television series comprising subjects like dancing, singing, reciting, acting and what not. It is not a win win competition; the participants participate and show their inherent talents. The show is hosted by our founder Mr Subhash Malakar ex vocal artist in “All India Radio’’ and ‘’Doordarshan’’ cum Music Director and presently Associate Professor in Folk Music, Department of Music, the University of Calcutta. The show is about focussing on their talents. The show is organised by our organisation Bharatiya Sangeet –O- Kala Bihar 2002.